One of the key purposes of forecasting is to help organizations continuously anticipate the future, assess its likelihood, consider the implications and use all the…
The Accuracy in your Forecast Matters More than the Forecast Itself
One of the roles of the FP&A function is predicting future business performance and help business leaders prepare for an unplanned future through forecasting and…
Human or Machine Intelligence? Augmentation Key to Better Forecasting
Forecasting is an invaluable process for any business. A forecast can play a significant role in driving company success or failure. For example, high forecast…
How Effective is Your Budgeting and Forecasting
The only thing right about a forecast is that it’s wrong. This unavoidable truth is particularly evident in business today. Businesses are grappling with high…
Rethinking the Annual Budgeting Process
Human beings are creatures of habit. Once they have mastered certain habits, especially bad ones, it is extremely difficult to let go. Even though we…
Why Implement Continuous Rolling Forecasts?
The annual budgeting process has been around for decades and still forms part of the performance management framework for the majority of organizations. As the…
Are You Using Scenario Planning To Improve Decision Making?
As the business and macro-economic environment continue to change at rapid paces and increasingly getting complex, the pressure on the finance organization to support the…
Improving Finance’s Financial Planning & Analysis Capabilities
As the role of the finance function continues to evolve from reporting on what happened in the past to driving business performance and creating enterprise…
Factoring Risks into Financial Forecasts and Planning
VUCA, short for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity is an acronym used to describe the world we live in. Since the onset of globalization, CFOs…
Producing Reliable Forecasts That Improve Decision-Making
Although almost every organization uses forecasts to predict and manage future business performance, only a few of the produced forecasts are reliable despite the amount…