Strategy Management

Enterprise Risk Management
The Art of Risk Management
This is the title of the article by BCG published a few years ago. The article discusses the principles that should govern the approach to risk management by companies of all shapes and sizes. The authors make several points with which I agree. Here are some excerpts: Risk management is essential in today’s volatile economy. In read more

Strategy Management
Leading in Uncertain Times
One of the biggest challenges facing business leaders today is making the right decisions that will ensure their organizations succeed, survive, and remain competitive in an increasingly uncertain and complex environment. A recent post, The best way to lead in uncertain times may be to throw out the playbook, by Strategy+Business has several good points. read more

Strategy Management
The Collaborative Organization
These days the term collaboration has become synonymous with organizational culture, creativity, innovation, increased productivity, and success. Let’s look at the COVID-19 pandemic as an example. At the peak of the crisis, several companies instructed their workers to adopt remote working as a health and safety precautionary measure. Two years into the pandemic, they are read more
Preparing for Geopolitical Shocks
Geopolitical instability has steadily increased over the past years, and uncertainty in the
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The Resilient Organization
If the past few years have taught us anything, it’s the certainty of
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Doing The Right Thing For Too Long
Markets and business models are shifting, and so should you keep up with
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How Feasible Are Your Strategic Objectives?
Every organization sets out its goals and objectives, to accomplish its mission and
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Alignment is important for successful strategy execution
For many businesses and organizations, the challenge is not in formulating good strategies,
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Are You Realizing Full Benefits From Your Technology Investments?
Although the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digital innovation and adoption by businesses of
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